For the new year we are very excited to announce the release of Dynamic Forms 2.5!
The latest release includes some significant new enhancements including new features to process credit card payments with your forms (integrates directly with Authorizenet to process payments), a new feature called Client Side Events, new completion events to handle HTTP Form Post, optional configurable pop up help, as well as a number of layout enhancements...
We have setup several demonstrations that highlight some of these new features. If you would like you can export the form configuration for each demonstration and import them into your form to quickly implement these new features....
For a full list of new features and product details click here.
Process Credit Card Payments - This demonstrations outlines setting up a payment processing for using Authorizenet. The demonstration also outlines client side events to quickly calculate a total based on a check box list, and also highlights the new pop up help text that is avaliable when you focus on a field.
Client Side Events - This demonstration outlines new features for implementing client side events. The events setup on the form include the ability to hide/unhide specific html field, copy fields from one section of the form to another (i.e. copy bill to address to ship to address), and hides the submit button until the user types in 'YES' to agree to the terms of use.
Form Stylesheet Properties - This demonstration outlines the ability to setup stylesheet and layout properties for the form which are new to version 2.5. Some of these include new stylesheet properties for the form table (setting the border, background color, cell padding), changing stylesheet classes throughout the form such as field labels, and making use of the ability to now specify the column span and row span properties to provide the best options for form layout.
Question Events - This demonstration outlines using several question events within Dynamic Forms including a new question event to disable a field. Other question events showcased are the ability to hide a question, show a hidden question, and set a default value for a field (all based on an answer to a previous question)
We hope you find these useful!
Chad Nash
Data Springs, Inc
DotNetNuke Modules