Hello all,
We have a big client that want to run traffic and user heavy portal on DNN. On their colocation we have configured 2 webservers in NLB and 2 SQL servers.
NLB cluster is with 3 NICs, and running in unicast with affinity of single IP address. It is working perfectly. Also i have made realtime two way replication/syncronisation between 2 webservers home directorys. It has been tested and working perfectly also.Any file that is changed (copy, move, delete or else) is in same second replicated to other server.
SQL is 2005 Standard. For begining i have configured it with database mirroring. So second database is synced and mirrored in second SQL server and witness can initialise automatic failover. For start and testing i have rulled out witness so failover is done manualy.
When i had everything tested i started installation of DNN 4.8 on one node. Everything also went ok. SQL is used on just one node. After install is over i tryed website on other node, it was also working. And last test is try cluster host, and there is working also. Did simple tests doing administration on first node (adding text, pictures, articles) and it is shown in same second on other node and on cluster host.
So by this time i do not have a problem. I folowed webfarm document in documentation, but it is rather old. From version 3.x. So either document is explaining everything we need, or it is not updated :) I'm afraid that one thing is development environment, and other is live. In live situation i expect caching problems that i read so much about it in forums, blogs, etc.etc.
But my question is how did you people do this kind of environment? How did you do NLB cluster of Web server? How did you do SQL cluster/mirror? I'm also interested in load balance with SQL 2005. That thing is not supported by default, but there is table partitioning, there is p2p replication and those kind of things. So how did you do it? Was there ID conflict on mergeing of databases (in case of p2p replication)? Any kind of information is helpful here.
Thx in advance.