After reading the posts, and struggling with not being able to install for two days, I found the problem with my connection string...(thanks to someone on the board)
I had not properly removed the comments, I felt really stupid when I found it, and like the posts say, the instructiuons do work. (Even though a bit confusing at first)
Here are a few suggestions to improve the install process (I might even be willing to help with this one...):
1) how about several sample web.config files that cover different scenarios? (you can't expect someone to come in cold and know how to modify your code). Possibly even a config generator that asks several pertinant questions, and generates a working config file.
2) Include the missing MDF file in the package
3) how about a knowledgebase system? Is there one?
THANKS for the help, it is good to know there is an active community.
5) how about a one page "checklist" with hints about common "gotcha" items?
6) Had to copy the siteurls.config from 'website/config' folder to website root. (put it where it belongs...)
I am a convert. It is fairly straight forward to install, it is just a bit frustrating if you "stray" from the path during the install...
Thanks everyone for your help....