I have several different 'types' of page in my site. Each has their own skin, and some modules configured for them that are common to all pages of that type (references).
Is it possible to have references to a Pane rather than just a module? Or, is it possible to update all the pages of one type according to a change in the original?
I'll give an example to show exactly what I mean:
We've created a page that we call 'Standard Page Template'. It has three Panes: Left, Content, Right. The Right Pane has 4 HTML modules with some content in that's shared (reference) between all pages of that type. This is all fine, so we give it to our page editors and they go off and create 500 pages using this as a template. Now, I want to add another module to the Right Pane - say another HTML module - how do we update all the pages of this type to have this new module?
Is there a way of doing this out of the box, or will I have to write something that does this? How do others deal with this situation, it surely must be a very common thing to want to do?
Thanks in advance,
- Andy.