As for testing, I added role level for roles' management as following:
1) add a new table in my DNN database named DNN_RoleLevels with RoleLevelID(int), RoleLevelName(string), PortalID(int), Description(string) fields
2) modify table DNN_Roles by adding new field RoleLevelID
3) add stored procedure DNN_GetRoleLevels(portalID)
4) new class RoleLevelInfo with proper properties
5) change class RoleInfo for the new feature
6) implement new feature in EditRoles as a combo list selection
after re-compile the DotNetNuke.DLL file, compile the website without problem, but when I browse the website, it give me error in the address bar:
same time the website can not be displayed.
Anyone has any idea about this situation? Thanks ahead!