Carlos Rodriguez wrote
Congratulations, the site looks really nice!!!
It is interesting to note, based on what you said, that you don't work in Web design, etc. that you had such a good experience and great outcome in the form of a fully functional and nice looking site. There are many newcomers to DNN, specially those with some knowledge of other technologies, that have a hard time getting started and getting things to work, but you know what they say about the sorcerer apprentice and a little knowledge.
I would like to ask you to do two things if I may. 1. Participate in the community helping others getting started with DNN and 2. Share your experience and lessons learned, things that worked great, rough spots and the solutions/workarounds, etc. Oh, and don't forget to mention who is your hosting provider, that is a big factor in having a successful and smooth rollout.
One more thing, you may want to consider a "Keep alive" service for your site, in that way you eliminate the delay that takes place when the site is not hit for a while and DNN needs to be reloaded. Are you familiar with this?
Thanks carlos. Yeah I supposidly have a keepalive built in to the DNNMasters SEO module, just haven't configured it. I also use have used it in the past), just side tracked at the moment.
About my server :-> muuahaha.
I"m Information Technology in my day job(I feel like batman), but I'm confident in my server abilitys, so I prefer to have total control over every aspect. Here's what it is, and yes I"m just burning money on it right now...but who doesn't want more power :->
It's from serverbeach, and if anyone reading this goes and gets hosting from them use my referal code :
Your Unique
Referral Code: |
You get a discount, and I get like 250 bucks or something.
Anyhow my specs:
AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 4200 +
2.21GHZ, 1.00GB Ram, 153GB HD
2000 Gigs a month traffic. Whooot!
How much of that am I using?? .05%