(Thanks.. so it was thrown in last minute as it found its way into an RC not a beta.)
Here is a suggestion, make it generic. What's the point of hiding DotNetNuke or the copyright or all the other features you put in to hide the word DotNetNuke and anything related? Defeats the purpose, painfully obvious.
1. I might not have all the modules available yet you show the Portal Admin all the what's new modules.
2. They might not know or need to know what providers are.
3. You link directly to the dotnetnuke website or at least to gemini!
Isn't this more of a host related item? Ahhh but then admins wouldn't see it... yes I get it. A host knows it is DotNetNuke. An admin doesn't really need to know but now gets it spoonfed via the Solutions Explorer and Whats New.
Quite a twist and turn the 'ecosystem' really is.
I'd guess one day the copyright will not be optionally displayed.