Description of attempt:
My company decided to use DotNetNuke for it's security issues for a particular program we are offering. I'm unfamiliar with this particular website / program. I just need some basic questions answered so I can relieve some of the pressure in my brainpan.
I'm a interior retail designer for this particular company. But pressed into doing everything that I'm skilled at: business cards to literature to websites. I know basic HTML and JavaScript, no Perl or higher level programing (such as .asp or .xml).
Issue #1:
Constant logging in << I can't stay logged in long enough to make any changes. Example: log in, upload new header image, select to make it the new header image, log in, click apply, check site -- no change. Close IE and pull open fresh window only to find no changes.
Issue #2:
No HTML or JavaScript uploads. I understand now that you can modify the skins (to go along with out corporate branding standards) but do not know where to start.
Issue #3:
Is this hosted at DotNetNuke or is this installed and hosted by my particular company? I can't find anything to tell me where and how this is implimented.
I may have further issues as managers come to me with problems or additions to the site. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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