I have just launched an eCommerce store to sell games.
This includes typical board games, themed games like
Monopoly and Dominoes and other stuff. I wanted to
launch it earlier, but was pretty sick for a few months.
It is based on the ML/DNN version of ASPDotNetStorefront.
There are lots of Categories and Subcategories and if you
have something in particular in mind, try the Product Search
at the top right to search. It is a fairly advanced search tool...
much more than just a keyword search.
I am needing to get a few sales through Google Checkout
so that the GCO Badge will show up in my Adwords ads.
I figured the likelihood of some DNNers have GCO accounts
might be pretty high.
I am getting orders, but mostly through PayPal Express and
they are shipping pretty quick. So I think people could still
get some stuff before Christmas.
Thanks for any feedback you can provide on the site review
and if a few of you could do GCO orders that would be great.
If you don't have GCO and really want to get something, use
the PayPal Express.