Would you please point me to something which explains how to do this -- what to type, etc.??
I know how to type in the statement in the host::sql section, but not what to type specifically.
I found the file and changed the owner and object qualifier, now I'll try it in the host::sql, but I got only an unhelpful 'There is an error in your query!"
Running it as a script causes numerous errors, which I "fixed" by removing the section that tries to add a 'Name' column to the version table, then the script ran without error, but still no log file and it's not obvious whether or not I have a 4.9.0 or 4.9.1 website.
I think I have to give up and revert waaay back to where I was before I started all this stuff and give up on DotNetNuke ever being a good app to work with, I would never recommend it to anyone because on the numerous negative experiences I have had with the software, which in no way reflects upon the people who have actually been helpful to me in the forums. I just would not ever recommend this software.
Every upgrade attempt gives me the following in Firefox 2.x:
404 Url Not Found
The requested Url (http://localhost/Install/install.aspx?mode=upgrade) does not return any valid content.
Thank you, Tom