I think that the confusion is present and REAL because it is not always clear under which edition a new/updated functioality falls under. It is the lack of this transparency that leads to most often times wrong conclusions. In fact it is indeed possible and plausible where the DotNetNuke Corporation, after spending considerable time, resources and effort building a specific feature decides to make that feature a commercial one, where it was originally slated as part of the Open Source PE edition (as Jan pointed out, Shaun allegedly had announced it prior to the commercialization of DNN).
As a business person, I understand, and, of course, accept the reasoning behind the change of heart; I think the issue is one of open-ness and communication, and as mentioned above, transparency.
That being said, the process of fuguring it all out is a balancing act... I certainly do not wish to be in your shoes... keeping the Open Source community "pleased" at all times, while trying to make a living out of it all is certainly not an easy thing to figure out.
I presume that the sooner the folks in the community accept the fact that there is "board" that DotNetNuke Corporation answers too, the sooner they will understand the pressures, and reasoning behind such decisions. (Not saying this was already decided, because I simply do not know that, but this could apply to other similar instances).
Jan, Sebastian:
I am not defending or attacking anyone here, I am simply sharing my views, and they are what they are, MY OWN views.