I just noticed that I had a problem posting new threads using my account.. On my DNN site which is 04.09.03 running forums version 04.04.03
After a some of debugging I found the problem to be nocode in handling the Post action of New.. with tracking turned off.. If I turn tracking on it will go away however because tracking is off and it is a new thread the mparentPostInfo is null and will bomb with a null reference exception.. What I find strange is that I am the only one having this problem?? Included is the code snippet of my fix which may make it back into the community version.
from Forum_PostEdit.ascx.vb onPageLoad Event around line 350
If (Not blnTrackedForum) Then
Dim blnTrackedThread As Boolean = False
' Forum is NOT already being tracked, possibly show user the option to subscribe
' we need to check the case to see how to handle tracking at the thread level
Select Case mAction
Case PostAction.New
'do nothing we don’t New Code
Case PostAction.Edit
' user may already be tracking the thread
' we may not have threadID, we definately have postid
Dim trackedThreads As ArrayList = mUser.TrackedThreads
Dim trackedThread As TrackingInfo
For Each trackedThread In trackedThreads
If trackedThread.ThreadID = mParentPostInfo.ThreadID Then
blnTrackedThread = True
Exit For
End If
Case Else ' reply/quote
' user may already be tracking the thread
' we may not have threadID, we definately have postid
Dim trackedThreads As ArrayList = mUser.TrackedThreads
Dim trackedThread As TrackingInfo
For Each trackedThread In trackedThreads
If trackedThread.ThreadID = mParentPostInfo.ThreadID Then ‘ here is the null ref
blnTrackedThread = True
Exit For
End If
End Select