I learned BASIC before I learned any C. And when I learned C, you had clunky command line compilers with cryptic errors. I did a lot of VisualBASIC coding and ended up doing mostly maintenance of VB code and forgot about C while C+, C++ and C# emerged. I'm comfortable in VB, moderately aquainted with C#. So a lot of what I do still is VB.
But, when I started working with WAP I learned in C#, so I now have an inner war that matches the external battles among C# and VB advocates. And I really don't think either is better or worse for any project. When I used to write COBOL and RPG, or even (shiver) Pascal, it wasn't because the langauge was better for the project I was doing, it was because that was what ran on the box. 8080 and Z80 assembler were used for the advantages of the language, but popping, peeking and poking my way around a system wasn't a very efficient use of my time.
In ASP.NET, language wars are nonsense. Write what you're comfortable with, within the restrictions of the organization or client. I'll bet the majority of programmers are writing C# or VB code because that's what they were hired to do, not strictly personal choice.