I did inspect the source code from the URL control and found the following in the cmdUpload_Click event:
If Not cboFolders.Items.FindByValue(strSaveFolder) Is Nothing Then
... //this is not affected
If cboFolders.Items.Count > 0
... //this is not affected, too, but this is the point, because:
... //here is the error message:
lblMessage.Text = Localization.GetString("NoWritePermission", Me.LocalResourceFile)
End If
End If
It seems to me that after the postback, the dropdownlist containing the folders is empty (even if it is not on the user interface). Is it possible that AJAX does something stupid? And if yes: Why does it work for Superusers and users of the Administrator role? And: Where can I turn off AJAX in DNN 05.01.01?
This suspect is hardened by the following observation: When I grant the user the right to View and Edit the File Manager page, he can click the Upload button in the File Manager when the affected folder is selected. But in the Upload dialogue, the dropdownlist for the folders is empty, and so, no upload is possible (it results in an error message saying something like there is no upload folder specified).
Thanks for any help