My first post, let's hope it's a good one...
The message: "The added or subtracted value results in an un-representable DateTime" in the Events module is a bug (IMHO) - it assumes someone has selected a date on the Calendar, but when the first time the module loads no selection has been made.
To fix, adjust the following section in DestopModules\Events\EventMonth.aspx.vb (03.03.08) around line 170:
'****DO NOT CHANGE THE NEXT SECTION FOR ML CODING ****' Used Only to select view dates on Event Month View...NOTE: SelectedDate is NOTE!!! Dim initDate As Date = New Date(Me.SelectedDate.Year, Me.SelectedDate.Month, 1)
'KS fix bug where date has not been selected yet, so set to first of current month If Me.SelectedDate.Year = 1 Then End If
initDate = DateAdd(DateInterval.Day, (1 - Today.Day), Today)
' Allow for Prev Month days in View
startDate = initDate.AddDays(-10)
I wish there was a place we could upload files, as this would be easier for those affected.