I have attempted the Installation of my new site 10 times, all with frustration, all with me ending up in the fridge looking for beer.
I have a Win 2k3 server with net 2.0.
I use VWD to create the site and database. I install and everything is great.
I can open the site within vwd many times at this point.
I make this the default site.
This is when it faults, now I can not even open it up in VWD.
I have played with the properties of the site and believe that the issue has to do with the application pool setting?
I have found the document ‘webserverconfig.html’ and it show that the application pool should be asp.net v2.0, but this is not an option on my server.
I have reinstalled asp.net 2.0 hoping that this was the issue, wrong (more beer).
Could this be the issue?
If so how do I install this application pool?
Why do I not have this?
Can I bum some beer?
Here is the site;