I can appreciate that you don't like the "PE and CE share the same code" statement, but we (the development team) feel it's important - perhaps we haven't done a good enough job explaining why it's key. Essentially what it means is that there is no seperate PE codebase - all PE extras are just extensions such as providers, skins, modules etc. i.e. they simply upgrade CE (the opencore) to become PE. This means that anyone could make their CE version work identically to PE by either buying or building similar extensions. By it's very nature this means CE is not crippleware - it would be crippleware if we built code into the core that only PE could use. Instead by using this model, everyone shares a common base, and everyone benefits from any (paid) time DNN Corp staff spend on this i.e. fixing bugs, adding enhancements, adding additional extension points etc. This means we share a similar model to say MySQL which has a free version, but if you pay for the enterprise version you get some extensions why can be ran against the free version. The alternative would be something like Redhat which creates 2 versions - fedora (free) and red hat enterprise licence (RHEL) - in effect 2 seperate products. This means that their devs have to work on both and often if a bug is found have to detect if it's in both versions anc can't easily migrate the fixes across. W e strongly feel that this model doesn't work - and if fact means all the effort goes to the commercial version rather than to both.
We also feel that there must always be a free, opensource version of DotNetNuke, and that it's vital that it improves constantly. Whilst many people will find it suits their needs, others will find that they want the intergrated extensions or support of PE - this also allows people to start a business with minimal overhead, and in time if the business succeeds they may want to spend money on PE - in effect some CE installs act as a sales funnel for future PE upgrades. A lot of people have commented that they want other options , and this is definately something we're listening to - at openforce US we discussed a new proposed product ("PE express") which would have a lower cost and different terms that PE/PE elite/PE premiere. Please be aware we're still a young company and constantly evolving, so what you see today is not the final options - things will change.
Finally, I find the drupal complaints interesting, for a start they clearly don't understand the DotNetNuke or it's extension model, again this is something we probably need to work more on clarifying. Secondly drupal has a commercial entity called acquia started by the original drupal developers. Whilst acquia does not provide custom extensions, they do provide support and additional documentation that is only available to paid subscribers e.g you have to purchase acquia to get a log in to post to their forums, and . lists a number of pieces of additional documentation that are only available to their premium subscribers
Premium subscribers gain access to advice and best practices in the following areas:
•Module selection
•Module development