Hi Ismet,
Hi Leopold,
I'm building DNN with localisation using DSL Localisator and Apollo MLHTML since almost 2004 and DNN localisation have never been an issue. As I've always did, I manage view permission on a module installed on a single page.
For example, With DSL, we managed to assign a TAB NAME for english and another one for French language but user was always on same page. Same concept was available for module with no localisation built-in, TOTAL CONTROL ! Same for a module, when module RESX files were translated, I only had one module on a page and it displayed correct on selected language.
I'm actually TRYING to use DNN core localisation and, I build localised DNN website since 2004, I'm completely lost. This is not cool at all... :( I don't find any concrete documentation and everything I've tried until now gives me curious results such as:
1. In some scenario, I've added a module to a page but they were just visible on english. I had to go on french side and add the module again to see it. Why ???
2. In some case with another module, the module is translated, I see it in FR and ENG but french does not appear. Why ?
I've inherit from an existing 6.0.2 DNN installation already "translated". When I try ti make new pages, I'm unable to have them bilingual. GRRRRR !
If it's not intuitive AT ALL, would there be some existing documentation we could consult to help us get the control of what we're doing ?
Or we abandon and go back to DNN 594 and use our custom tools ?
This is a desperate call for help...
Thanks for whom could help
Antony Gilbert