I have added a webreference in my dnn project to a service and am trying to get the ScriptManager to use the path to the asmx file.
I know in a normal .net project I would put :
<asp:ScriptManager ID="ScriptManager1" runat="server">
<asp:ServiceReference Path="http://localhost:63870/DataWebService/DataService.asmx">
and indeed that works so in DNN I have used :
ScriptManager objScriptManager = ScriptManager.GetCurrent(this.Page);
ScriptReference objScriptReference = new ScriptReference();
objScriptReference.Path = @"http://localhost:63870/DataWebService/DataService.asmx";
It doesn't seem to find the asmx file though and if I look at the page source I can't see a reference to my service path added to ScriptManager.
What am I doing wrong please :) :).