I am working on my server 2008r2 with IIS 7.5 and sql server 2008r2.
I am using sql authentication: user is dbowner, checkbox on install wizard was selected to run as owner.
I have given Iss appPool\ {application} modify permissions.
the permission check on the install wizard passed all.
the install script ran with no errors
this is an empty, default blank site with no additional modules or skins installed.
Immediatly upon completing install I clicked on superuser profile and tried to post a journal note,
I got a pop up warning that this was "unauthorized"
I tried to add a module
I tried to change to edit mode
upon examining the console in chrome i saw:
POST http://teamturkey.org/DesktopModules/... 401 (Unauthorized)
each of the other attempted actions threw a similar error.
Please help, I have been working on the same problem for a number of days, and I do not know where to go from here.
Nor am I alone in this:
See: http://www.dotnetnuke.com/Resources/Forums/forumid/107/threadid/478112/scope/posts.aspx
Thanks for looking, any thoughts or ideas are really appreciated.