In an earlier post on this thread I explained the importance of dnn platform to people and how we had reorganised the team in charge of that and put people such as Joe, Charles, Shaun, Erik, myself etc. on it to ensure that the platform improved (as the majority of our sales come from platform users this is simply good business). However it does seem some people are unwilling to take my words at face value, and require actions as proof . Whilst it's still early days, some figures may be of interest:
If you take a look at https://dnntracker.atlassian.net/brow... you can see the changelogs for releases. Taking a subsection of this shows:
7.0.3 - fixed 55 issues
7.0.4 -fixed 36 issues
7.0.5 - fixed 40 issues
Since we've reorganized the platform team the statistics since then look like:
7.1.0- fixed 94 issues
7.1.1 -fixed 177 issues
7.1.2 - fixed 236 issues
As you can see the amount of issues tackled have increased considerably. In addition we're been much better accepting contributions e.g. http://www.dnnsoftware.com/community-... shows contributions from 17 community members, almost 40 checkins in total).
Furthermore, we've became much more open with the move to github allowing anyone to see what is being worked on (e.g. see https://github.com/dnnsoftware/Dnn.Pl...), and to contribute "pull" requests to improve the ability to contribute more (and larger) contributions. Whilst we're still trialling this with a smaller group you can see the contributions awaiting acceptance at https://github.com/dnnsoftware/Dnn.Pl... (2 to be accepted), and https://github.com/dnnsoftware/Dnn.Pl... shows 10 processed already for 7.2.0.
We've also moved the "roadmap" to being totally open - you can view the list of items for 7.2.0 at https://dnntracker.atlassian.net/brow... -many of these had community/mvp comments/suggestions placed on them during the design phase e.g. https://dnntracker.atlassian.net/brow... design was almost entirely driven by community/MVP.
Hopefully this demonstrates how serious we are about the platform. I have to admit that at times I am confused by some of the comments as to my mind the platform is in a period where we have almost unprecedented community contribution, openness and dialog -it seems some people have made their minds up and are happy to fit any facts to suit their agenda, but for those who are just hoping to see improvements I hope some of this will put your mind to rest.
Note: I am not saying we are perfect by any means, there are many things we can do, and will do, better - but this is a large ship with many components and sometimes it takes time to get everything in line.