Richard Howells wrote:
That means. If you have an old DNN site it's full of cruft and DNN Corp know it. They have cut themselves loose from that. So when they create/test future upgrades it will be against their shiny new interpretation of what a DNN site should be. We can kiss goodbye to much chance of upgrading our sites because DNN Corp will no longer see the cruft *their* upgrade processes have left in *our* sites.
Whoa, Nelly! That's not what I meant!
I've been dealing with the DNN site for many years... since we started, in fact. One thing that people who have been around for a while understand is that we have "eaten our own dogfood" with pre-release versions of DNN, over and over again. We've done the same with custom modules, commercial modules, new architecture, etc. We've changed apps for various business functions, changed caching methods, changed infrastructure, been through every .Net upgrade, etc, etc, etc.
Dogfooding meant going through upgrades before subjected anyone else to them. And so, over time, we have developed a few data inconsistencies of our own; manually updating or fixing pre-release issues, etc. We also wound up with lots of remnants that were challenging, like years worth of old ad banner images and vendor records that would never see the light of day again. We had the choice of upgrading the old site, or going ahead and starting from scratch and trying to be more intentional about moving things that were required.
This doesn't have a thing to do with changing our upgrade strategies or abandoning users of older versions. Not in the slightest! I knew that when we undertook the project that both options would have their own challenges, but ultimately decided that if we were going to put in this much effort that we would want to start out as "clean" as possible. This is not a situation unique to DNN, but happens to every site eventually (regardless of platform or tools). On a personal basis, I am still running sites on 4x and 6x versions... that I have just not needed to upgrade yet.
Are there questions that I can could answer (or help find answers to) that would be helpful?