Im sorry, doing the third post in a row, but the whole day testing brought up some new results:
From Serverside I think everything is working fine. (impersonation is disabled by the serveradmin, Anonym, Basic and Windows Authentication enabled)
I wrote two Scripts: one .asp and one .aspx to read the servervariables.
When there is nothing but those scripts on the webspace the variables are empty --> as anonymuous Authentication is enabled
If I add a web.config file which restricts the Anonymous User from accessing then the Windows Authentication works....
<authentication mode="Windows" />
<deny users = "?" /> <!-- This denies access to the Anonymous user -->
... and the Servervariables will be populated in both scripts.
If I do a fresh install of DNN 7.1,switch Forms for Windows authentication in web.config add the two Scripts an run them, the asp-Script will return the User. The aspx-Script will return the empty String.
<authentication mode="Windows"/>
If I now add the restriction of the anonymous User as above, the asp-Script still returns the User, but the aspx-Script will prompt me to insert User and Password.
So for me it seems like first the asp-File is not affected by the config-File. And second there is a Problem with the DNN web.config, as it works fine with the very small config file.
1) Do you know a reason why the DNN-web.config could cause such problems?
2) Is it possible to actually call the asp-Script from within a DNN-module to get the variable that way?What I think of is a small script that will read the servervariable and add it ad a response header. In c# i can then read that header.
Thank you for your help!