Well, from my last post the full install Wiki was indeed Wiki ... just a bit more involved. A Scenic Route Wiki, if you will.
Now, I get a 500.19 error about duplicate key entries in the System.webServer tag area. Per this very handy link, a <clear/> tag does handle this area: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/782252/avoid-web-config-inheritance-in-child-web-application-using-inheritinchildapplic/782277#782277, you have to look for Nick Cecil's entry further down.
This handled, the NEXT 500.19 error comes up, next shot.

Next 500.19 Error: Nick states in his answer "While <clear />
may work for some configuration sections, there are some that instead require a <remove name="...">
directive, and still others don't seem to support either. In these situations, it's probably appropriate to set inheritChildApplications="false"
Well, wrapping this section with
<location path="." inheritInChildApplications="false"> ... </location>
or putting in a <Clear/> tag just below <modules>, lastly trying the <remove name: ... option, had to be done several times:

Honestly, the old procedure is FAR more comprehensive. I'm now rolling along with the usual and customary web.config errors that are iatrogenic or have to be Googled. So I'm on "home turf" and have just hit the connection strings area ... question and I don't mean to be critical but it's 10:09PM, I get up at 5:00AM for my real job and I just have to ask ... Why is such a simple thing as setting up the connection strings left out of the procedure? Sure "we all know that" but since it wasn't there, I'm thinking it MIGHT be part of the wizard to enter it and maybe this can be typed in at that point? Nope ... it should have been entered into the procedure.
I do have to really enlarge text to make it easy to read ... possible I overlooked that line because I like larger text. (I'm 61 in May ... too much info, I know)
OK, the questions are I'm SURE there's an easy way to avoid all this web.config hell. Surely there's a procedure for 7.x (this is 5.x era). Where might it be?