Good morning Dnn users and powerUsers,
I am dealing with a portal that should have few pages localized for languages, I know that there is functionality implemented in Dnn to <Localized Content>, but its implementation create more burden than solve problems. For example, we have several redirect to one or other page depending users security groups, that will break enabling the multi-page-per-language-localized-content
So, for the few content that we want to have language specific (Landing/about/contact), it would be ideal, if we could have a HTML module that could support some short of localization. Either by taking texts form resx file, either by having few HTML modules in the same webpage and configuring its display/hiding depending of the active language, either by having few language-dependant tabs within the module, or any other solution.
I have a feeling, after test content localization for couple of weeks, that the approach that DNN took for supporting this feature may not have been the most optimal for sites with dynamic content, modules that should span across different languages, an keep a "easy" maintenance of multi-language portals. Told with all respect, and assuming this feeling is probably due to my relative short experience with DNN.