I'm pretty sure you have the latest version, if you didn't you wouldn't see the 'Required' setting in your form.xml file. However, to be sure, you could always download the module build directly from the Repository Project Downloads page and re-install it to make sure. I have checked out the download link on this page and it does indeed download the latest build that includes the "Required" setting parser.
Also, the .xml file is looked for in 2 places. Assuming you are using the 'articles' template, it will look in the "~/Portals/#/RepositoryTemplates/articles" folder first to look for the form.html and form.xml files. If it does not find them there, it will look in the "~/DesktopModules/Repository/Templates/articles" folder. So, make sure you don't have an articles folder under your Portal folder structure to make sure you're looking at the correct form.xml file.
A walkthrough of the code might help understand why your form is being generated with a required field validator for the [FILE] token...
When adding an item for the first time ( ItemId will be -1 ), the code looks in the form.xml file for the [FILE] token and looks at the "Required" setting. If the setting is not there, the default is "true". If the value is "true" then a validator control will be injected into the form.
So, there are 2 ways to get a validator, either the setting in the form.xml file for "[FILE] -> Required" is set to "true" or you do not have the "Required" setting at all. If the setting is anything other than "true" then no validator will be injected.
Case "FILE"
Dim objFile As New HtmlControls.HtmlInputFile
objFile.ID = "__File"
' we're uploading a file for the first time ( ItemID=-1 ) then we need to insert
' a required field validator. If we're editing, we don't because leaving the field blank
' will leave the current file in place
If objRepository.ItemId = -1 Then
If oRepositoryBusinessController.GetSkinAttribute(xmlDoc, "FILE", "Required", "true") = "true" Then
Dim oValidator As New RequiredFieldValidator
oValidator.ControlToValidate = "__File"
oValidator.CssClass = "normalred"
oValidator.ErrorMessage = Localization.GetString("ValidateFile", oRepositoryBusinessController.LocalResourceFile)
oValidator.ID = "__ValFileID"
oValidator.Display = ValidatorDisplay.Static
End If
If objRepository.FileName <> "" Then
PlaceHolder.Controls.Add(New LiteralControl("<br>"))
Dim objLabel As New Label
objLabel.Text = oRepositoryBusinessController.ExtractFileName(objRepository.FileName)
objLabel.CssClass = oRepositoryBusinessController.GetSkinAttribute(xmlDoc, "FILE", "CssClass", "normal")
End If
End If
I will assume, that even after this, you will look at your server and say that everything looks fine, but that you are still getting a form where the file is required. Let me know and if necessary I can send you a special 'debugging' version of the Repository that will tell us more info and pinpoint the problem.