Theme Switcher Control Allow your site visitor choose his/her preferred theme under your site sub directory - App_Themes。
For more information ,please see
How to use this control?
(1)Unzip file
copy Cross.dll to your webroot\bin directory
copy ThemeSwitcher.ascx.vb,ThemeSwitcher.ascx to your webroot\admin\Skins directory
copy ThemeSwitcher.ascx.resx,ThemeSwitcher.ascx.zh-CN.resx to your webroot\admin\Skins\App_LocalResources directory
(2) The ThemeSwitcherModule should be registered in the system.web section of the web.config file of your application(under the <httpModules> section),like this:
<add type="Cross.DNN.Common.WebControls.ThemeSwitcherModule, Cross" name="ThemeSwitcherHttpModule"/>
(3)because theme need aspx files to have a head tag like this:
<head runat="server" /></head>
So,if you want to use this skinobject in your sub portal(child portal),you need to add this line to your sub portal's default.aspx.
Note:it is not the default.aspx which directly under your webroot. if your sub portal's name is intel,then this file should resides webroot\intel, add line like this
<%@ Page language="VB" %>
<%@ Import Namespace="DotNetNuke" %>
<head runat="server" /></head>
<script runat="server">
For solve this question forever, add this line to webroot\Portals\_default\subhost.aspx (this file is copied into sub portal directory whenever create new portal),may be we can request core member to change this file in next release. :-c
(4)make sure you have theme package under your webroot\App_Themes.
(5) Registe control in your skin files
<%@ Register TagPrefix="dnn" TagName="THEME" Src="~/Admin/Skins/ThemeSwitcher.ascx" %>
(6)add control in your skin,for example:
<TD vAlign="middle" align="right"><dnn:BANNER runat="server" id="dnnBANNER" /></TD>
<TD vAlign="middle" align="right"><dnn:THEME runat="server" id="THEME" /></TD>
Ok,It's should work now. Any question,please contact
What language is it programmed in?
The user control using but the httpmodule using c#.
What portal or software platforms is it compatible with?
It's only support dnn 4.x.