Is it just me not being able to navigate the gemini-site or has the development on the store stopped ?????
I can't find any postings from this or last month???
Please let us know what is going on.
If you can not or will not give any hints on release of a new version please let us know what is going on and here I don't mean anything like Roberts comment:
"A day is a week in dog years. We are working like dogs and the food here is minimal and tasteless".
I thought that OPEN source also ment OPEN info but when I read thethreads in this forum it does not look very open to me.
If it is a matter of time for the developers .. it would be a god idea to have some more programmers to work on the project. Then you (the lead people) can "just" co-ordinate and "control" the project. If this is would also take too much time for you .... then maybe it is time for you to step down and hand the project over to somebody else. That is how things works in the real world.
Can we please have a real status report on the project, stating the different problems you need to solve before releasing a new version.
Sorry if somebody reads this post as a bitter one ... it is NOT written in that spirit ...
I just think that the community deserves some real answers now.
Maybe posting a weekly, bi-wekly or monthly update on the project would be a good idea for everybody?