Skin objects and navigation providers are different. Nav.ascx, SolpartMenu.ascx, TreeViewMenu.ascx are examples of skin objects.
The Nav skin object may be used with any navigation provider.
Your choices in navigationproviders are Solpart, DNNMenu, DNNTree, DropDownList, and ASP2Menu.
The solpartmenu carries some baggage due to backwards compatibility. One of those things is that it gets its arrow images from the systemimagepath.
If you are ok with your arrow images inside the systemimagespath, then you can use solpart, if not, then you need to use a different provider.
As migration towards the Nav Skin Object is encouraged, so is migration towards the DNNMenu (away from Solpart).
For a little background on the move towards the DNNMenu see this blog.
I should state here that there did exist another property in the SolpartMenu Skin object called UseSkinPathArrowImages that would allow solpart to use the skin's path instead. However, this required ALL systemimages (i.e. spacer.gif) to be in the skin as well. Since the arrow is not really a system image, the two were uncoupled in the DNNMenu
They do use the same syntax, meaning they all use the same properties. As far as how they use these properties, they are similar but not exactly the same. It seems that you would be in favor of either breaking backwards compatibility for solpart (not having arrows in systemimagepath) or restrict the DNNMenu to have this same limitation... The whole effort towards the new objects was meant to clean things up as much as possible, this dictates that some functionality will be different with the new objects.
My suggestion would be to simply use the DNNMenu. This is of course assuming that Solpart does not currently have a feature that the DNNMenu does not. (Eventually DNNMenu will have more features)