Hello all,
I am very new to DNN and our web developer has built a site around DNN 4.x for me. We have a monthly online magazine in which I need to present flash (.flv) videos. I currently use the Tererik RAD editor in rich text mode to lay out the articles. I have a great flash player that is supposed to be easily embedded using java script calls... for example:
<script type="text/javascript"> AC_FL_RunContent( 'codebase','http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=8,0,0,0','width','482','height','557','id','Zoom','quality','high','pluginspage','http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer','movie','/portals/0/zoom/Zoom_Playlist','bgcolor','#000000','menu','false','FlashVars',"playlist=http://dnnultimate.emboldendesign.com/portals/0/zoom/streaming.xml&fullscreen=http://dnnultimate.emboldendesign.com/portals/0/zoom/Fullscreen.swf" ); //end AC code </script>
Now this worked just fine on our old static html website. And it works fine in DNN provided that I enter into the editor in basic raw text mode. But it just will not "take" in Rich Text mode. That presents a big problem as I need this to insert into the rest of the magazine articles which are laid out with Rich Text mode.
So.......... could someone please give me more detail on why DNN requires Basic Text entry for javascript like this? What kind of workarounds are there (gotta be other people who find this to be a big problem, no)? Where should I even be looking for answers (maybe which forum here is most appropriate)? Would switching to a different editor like FCKeditor solve the issue or is it more a core DNN issue?
Thanks for all the help! Just frustrated, lost, and eager to learn the real story...