Ok, I altered the "autoplay" to false, rebuild, and the module works fine now.
But the next problem is somewhat trickier.....
I'm developing a website for a band, and I want to setup a page where visitors can choose to listen to fragments of music played by the band. There have to be a couple of fragments, at least 8, to choose to listen to. On another page I want to present a set of tracks from their latest CD.
I can put two MEDIA instances in one page, but when I insert a thrird one, and fire it, I get this error:
The instruction at "0x77fcd6ad" referenced memory at "0x0795b315". The memory could not be "read".
It then closes my browser, leaving me at the desktop. My browser will be closed even if I don't fire a fragment at all!
This also happens when I leave the page.
I then tried to setup just two media instances on one page and another on another page. Same result.
DNN obviously can't handle more than two media modules in one portal alltogether.
Is there someone who knows to overcome this?
I just want to put 8 to 10 media modules on one page and another set on another in this portal to accommodate this band with their music.
Or is there anotherr module that can handle this?
I tried "Documents " or "Repository" but these modules let the guest download the file and they startup the Windows Mediaplayer. And that's whet I don't want to happen!