This is the detail of my modification to allow links to be syndicated to many portals
- The 'subscriber sites' must have a links module (definition=111) with moduleTitle = 'Syndicate Links'
-The SPROC will populate the links module from the lists table
- Create the sproc 'UspSyndicateLinks' , add the following to it:
-- remove all syndicate links
delete from Links where moduleID IN
(select moduleID from modules where moduleTitle = 'Syndicate Links'AND moduledefID = 111)
-- Insert links from your user defined list
Insert into Links
select moduleID, getdate(), LI.Text as Title, LI.Value AS URL, -1 as viewOrder,
'SyndicateLink' as Description, 1 as createdByUser from modules MO, lists LI where moduleTitle = 'Syndicate Links'and moduledefID = 111and LI.listName = 'SyndicateLinks'
Anyone feel free to use/modify this if you need a similar solution.
Now just need to figure out
- how to get this to run on a schedlue or trigger
- how to get the link to open in target = blank (new window) - no field in links table