Time Savings
Our automated influencer scoring saves you the time and effort of doing this manually. Rather than collect data into a spreadsheet, simply refer to Evoq's list of top influencers.
Identify Influencers
Once the top influencers are identified, you build stronger one-to-one relationships with them. Create Challenges that are exclusive to your top influencers, to help them drive more awareness of your community.
How to Use
How to Access
From the persona bar as a community manager, click Settings, then Community. Under the Goal Type heading, the current values of weight and value are listed for particular attributes called goals. The goals use a weighted value that add up to a user's overall influence score.
Customizing Influencer Scoring
For each goal, click the pencil icon to customize the goal scoring. The following values can be customized: Weight, Min Value, Value and Max Value.