I had to think about this for a bit before answering in a fashion that might seem to come off arrogant or look like a complete lunatic. I imagine the later is already the case as you're probably a part of the 'majority' in my discussion below. But be brave! Read on...
The first question.
There are obviously users that want a finished product, a turn-key system, a jump start to support their customers, or themselves. I can understand that, and would bet that 85% to 95% of DNN users are like this. I'm not in that majority.
When I start into a new ‘complete’ system, I expect that the production build would match production source code, if offered. Beyond that, I like to see that some basic tenements of best practices are in place so that when the server is under load, it will act appropriately. I also like to look at the code to see where it will break, and if an error does occur, I can see the real reason why. Since the production product does not match the production code base, it leaves wide gaps in DNN corporation’s ability to recover from their own support issues, and leaves a bad taste in my mouth about their own quality assurance process.
Do I expect too much? When you have to support 1000’s of users, or when a ½ hour of down time translates into $50k+ lost revenue, you let me know if I’m unreasonable. This is my real world.
Second question:
Gemini? This relates to some of what I was asking before. Is there a FAQ for configuration, set up, and managing the source code? What is Gemini? The last I heard, it’s a travel agent’s program to book flights and hotels.
Why am I so rough in my questions and responses? The true mettle of a product is shown by going through these fires. Really, has no one else been concerned about these sorts of issues? Doesn’t everyone see how answering the real call of these demands would make for a superior system?
Everyone talks about OpenSource. What about OpenQuality? Can’t we start that too? Can’t we make that a universal goal to reach, matching what OpenSource gives us with shared code?