Hi everyone,
I am creating a module for displaying roster for a sports team. So, on the View page, I have a datagrid of all of the rosters. Once I click on a roster, it goes to the Edit page where I display details of the roster. That is working fine, but once I set up the rights on the page itself, I found out that I have to enable the "All users" rights for Edit mode for everyone. And that is where my issue is... since in the Edit page I also have the ability to change a roster's information. So, I belive that I need a "master-details" functionality on the View page. In that matter, I have tried the following.
In my View page I have a multiview where one view is for the list (gridview) and the second view is for the details of the roster. Then if I click on a roster, then I set the details view as the active one. Then I have a back button on that page which set the active view to the grid. I have tried to store a variable in view_state (bool ShowGrid) to decide what to show in the Page_Load. That did not work, so then I tried to use session variable for the ShowGrid variable and do a response.redirect. That did not work either. Then finally I tried to store the choice in the Settings for the page, but no success there either. Meaning, if I am in the View mode, it does not show the correct view based on any of these variables. However, if I switch to Edit mode, then those variables works.
So, is there something that is blocking using a session variables, e.g. in the View mode of a DNN module? Or is there a better way to approach such functionality/pages?
Any help would be highly appreciated.