Hi. I have the code for the new control setup below. To create and register it, I did the following:
1. In Visual Studio 2008, right clicked the DesktopModules\Headlines folder and went to Add new item...
2. Clicked Web user control, typed DeleteHeadlines.ascx in the box, and clicked add.
3. Replaced the entire contents of DeleteHeadlines control with the following:
@ Control Language="VB" AutoEventWireup="false" CodeFile="DeleteHeadlines.ascx.vb" inherritss="EternityRecords.Modules.Headlines.DeleteHeadlines" %><br /><br />
EternityRecords.Modules.HeadlinesPartial Class DeleteHeadlinesInherits Entities.Modules.PortalModuleBaseEnd Class Namespace
4. Added the control to the <controls> section of the headlines.dnn file:
control>key>DeleteHeadlines</key>title>Delete Headlines</title>src>DesktopModules/Headlines/DeleteHeadlines.ascx</src>type>Edit</type>helpurl></helpurl>control>
5. Added it to the <files> section of headlines.dnn:
6. Add this code to ViewHeadlines.ascx.vb in the IActionable implamentation:
"Delete headlines", Entities.Modules.Actions.ModuleActionType.EditContent, "", "", EditUrl("DeleteHeadlines"), False, SecurityAccessLevel.Edit, True, False)
7. Right click root folder of website in Visual Studio and go to build website.
8. Right click default.aspx and go to view in browser.
9. Sign in with host account.
10. Go to Host>Module definitions and click import definitions on the flyout menu.
11. Go to manafest to import and choose headlines.dnn (it has been imported before). I update the existing database by constantly importing my updated headlines.dnn file.
12. When it is successful, I went to home and clicked "delete headlines" on the module menu. The control shows up but not the title.
Hope this is detailed enough to help figure this out. When I looked at any other modules that comes with dnn, they seem to be set up exactly the same way.
delete headlines