There are a few question which I would like addressed, I am terribly sorry but the information I have found does not appear to be relevent to our current version of DotNetNuke, and I'm a complete newb to DNN. The post is long, since I figured maybe a little history and context would help alleviate any misunderstanding on my part or yours, but I have indicated the actual questions bt highlighting them in
bold blue.How then do I accomplish the required result, i.e. when a request for is received the actual served page is from the site configured within Portals/0/?
As well as serving we also need to serve is currently hosted by a completely different company, and we are merely building the site in preparation for for the name server change over.
3. We navigated again to HOST/Portals and this time clicked the Add New Portal link.
We entered the following details:
Portal type : Parent*
Portal Alias :
Template : DotNetNuke
Security Settings/User details
*we had to choose parent becuase when we attempted to create a child we were informed that "The Child Portal Name You Specified Already Exists. Please Choose A Different Child Portal Name."
There is a note at the bottom of the page informing us that after creating the portal we will need to log on using the account details specified above, so we logged out of the hostadmin account and attempted to log on using the following details:
Url :
User name :
but it was not possible and instead we were informed : Login failed, remember that Passwords are case sensitive. Why is this?
Why would that be? we have not already created a child pportal with that name, and if a child portal with that name already exists, why was I able to create a Parent portal with that name? The portal was successfully created, DNN informed us that the "website was created"How do I log on using the credentials provided when creating the new portal?
4. Next we navigated to Host/Portals and clicked on the pencil icon next to the new portal, then we added a new alias, we returned to the HOST/Portals page and clicked on the portal alias, whereupon our browser navigated away to the root of We then returned to the HOST/Portals page and clicked on the new alias, and we were inforemd by our browser that the page cannot be found. It is important to note at this point that in order for us to navigate to as hosted by our server and not by the current hosts, we have simply made an entry in our local %systemRoot%\system32\drivers\etc\hosts file pointing to our host machine.
How do we achieve the required result of upon receiving a request for we are served the home page for the site configured within Portals/1?
5. Next we wanted to upload a new skin and make it available only to out Portal/0 i.e. the portal. and research appears to indicate that in order to make a skin available to every portal we navigate to HOST/Host Settings/Appearance and click Upload Skin. If we want a skin only available to a single portal we navigate to ADMIN/Skins and click Upload Skin. The only problem is that there is no Upload Skin link available when we navigate to ADMIN/Skins. This is true no matter if we are logged in as hostadmin or as portaladmin.
Therefore, how do we upload a skin and make it available for a single portal?
We notice that on ADMIN/Skins there are checkboxes for Skin Type : Host or Site, this appears to indicate that it is possible to upload Site skins, but we cannot figure out how! If we upload a skin via HOST/Host Settings/Appearance, the skin is always listed under Host
We have recently entered into the hosting market, having in the past, not really focused on web development. Due to the nature of a current project under development we have concluded that DotNetNuke will provide all infrastructure that is required, with the caveat of course that we will need to develop one or two domain specific modules. With that said, here is my problem ...
We have procured a windows hosting re-seller package from the guys at SomeInternetHostingProviders Ltd., and are in the process of moving our web site onto the servers provided, and we have not yet made any NS adjustments with the various registrars responsible for the other domains for which we will be taking responsibility.
For the purposes of this query image that we own the domain, and this has been properly configured so as all http requests are correctly routed to our webspace, i.e. is correctly resolved to the physical machine from which our website is served.
We have installed DotNetNuke version 5.01.01 in a sub directory called dnn, and we can navigate to the home page This was achieved by following the following proceedure.
First we installed version 4.8.2 on the server (configuration script made available by SomeInternetHostingProviders Ltd.), using the following settings:
Destination directory : dnn
Database name, and user details for SQL Server.
Adminstrator login : hostadmin
Portal login : portaladmin
Portal name : Ltd.
Using IE8 we then navigated to, causing the DotNetNuke installation process to run, after which we clicked on the "click here to access your portal" link and navigated to the default homepage, verifying that DNN had indeed been successfully installed.
Next we unzipped the update into the dnn directory and again navigated to which triggered the update to take place. Again we clicked the "click here to access your portal" link and navigated to the default homepage, verifying that DNN had indeed been successfully updated.
Next we unzipped the update into the dnn directory and once again we navigated to which triggered the update. Then once more we clicked the "click here to access your portal" link and navigated to the default homepage, and verified that DNN had indeed been successfully updated.
After the final upgrade was completed we loggen on using both the hostadmin and the portaladmin accounts. As one would expect when logging on with the hostadmin account we had the HOST and ADMIN menus presented on the menu bar, and when logged on using the portaladmin account we only had the ADMIN menu presented.
When logged on under the hostadmin account we performed the following actions:
We navigated to HOST/Host Settings and in the Advanced Settings we made an entry in the SMTP server settings, indicating that our SMTP Server is
We navigated to HOST/Portals and found the following single entry
PortalId : 0
Title : Ltd.
Portal aliases :
We clicked on the pencil icon next to this portal entry and navigated to the "Edit Portals" page, whereupon we opened the Advanced Settings/Portal Aliases and found a single entry
We then added the as a new alias, expecting that when we now navigate to we would be greeted by our DNN hosted home page, but alas this was not the case, instead we navigated to the root directories default page, i.e.