I setup a dnn 04.08.04 portal for a customer a couple of yrs back, everything has been working fine until now.
Problem is, when u edit the content of TEXT/HTML modules and press the "Update" link after editing, it takes between 1s and forever for it to update, depending on how much text u put in the box.
The issue was discovered when they tried to update a week schedule made in clean HTML using tables, the module holds 6 full weeks like that.
When u erase everything and hit "Update" the updating is almost instant, but as soon as u add just table containing only one week, the update takes several seconds, from there the update time increases massively as u add another week, then another aso. until u hit like 4 or 5 weeks, the browser simply time out and the update doesnt go thru.
I tried entering another portal of the same version and at the same hosting provider and then copy the HTML code from the TEXT/HTML module of the first portal to this other one and the update is almost instant, we're talking < 2 secs.
Also i set up a Win server 2k8 with MSSQL 2k8 and did an install of the same dnn package i used for the customers, then i manually added all the pages and copied over the HTML content to create a model of the customers solution.
In this test environment everything is fine, the update goes thru in < 2 secs no matter what i do, i even tried to double the content of the TEXT/HTML module and that didnt slow it down a bit either.
Also i cleared the site log thing as it tends to slow the system in general and while i was at it, i used the "Clear cache" on the module.
So far i can conclude that its not:
1. my internet connection
2. the hosting service
3. DNN 04.08.04 standard bug/limit
4. the HTML code that was entered in the module(s)
Does anyone have an idea what could be causing this?
Im thinking maybe its something related to the caching in the system? however im not too familiar with the caching and how it works, so im not really happy about fiddling too much.
Any hlp is highly appreciated!