Sorry, but my english is very poor.
....not sharing the content with the module in the default language ....
When a module share the content with the default language?
> when you want the same content on the second language then witch is on the default language (that's wath you want).
You tell me that you use this system:
Before you copy the module to another language with all the content, and after you deatach it from the original one. Correct?
> Witch system ? Sharing a module ? This must be done after your module exist on the second language page.
But in this way you don't create 2 different module?
> 1 module content (module) used by 2 module instances (tabmodules)
I make your step and at the end I have the same module (same ID module) in 2 different language, vut I don't undestand why?
> because , the module instance (different tabmodule id) on the second language, reference the same module (module id) then the default language
For me a logic way I "Add an existing module"
> i agree, i can maybe add a option in CLTools "Add an existing module" with "copy the module" + "un-detach (share) the module"
> But, to maintain the relation between the second language module and the default language module, you may do this only on page basis.
> And the normal dnn workflow is to use "Ready to translate" witch automaticaly copy all the modules of the default language page to the second language page. The only thing to do is uncheck "detached".
I in the beginning also very confused about, the very different workflow to manage modules in ML content then with you standard manage of modules. This was my motivation to create CLTools to make it easyer to understand when you work on a website.