Yes, it is a fresh install. Interesting is that this morning when I pulled up http://localhost/dotnetnuke/ again,
it gave different response page:
DotNetNuke Upgrade Error
The Assembly Version ( [ASSEMBLYVERSION] ) does not match the Database Version ( [DATABASEVERSION] )
ERROR: Could not connect to database.
Login failed for user 'dnnuser'. Reason: Not associated with a trusted SQL Server connection.
FYI, When I open SQLServer Enterprize Manager, the tree is like this:
Consol Root (next line) Microsoft SQL Servers (next line) SQL Server Group (next line) Alex (Windows NT) and next line 7 folders starting with databases folder. I added (Windows NT) to Alex "Server=Alex(Windows NT)", but no difference. Also I can see SQLSever in my Tray that it is running.
My IIS Tree reads as follow:
Internet Information Services (next line) Alex(local computer) (next line) 3 folders starting with web sites, and in Default Web Site, I have dotnetnuke name with path D:\DotNetNuke as Virtual Directry. And in Document Tab of dotnetnuke Properties, I have default.aspx at the top of the window too.
My D:\DotNetNuke Folder security has: aspnet_wp account (ALEX/ASPNET)
Simple sharing box in D Dirve is also cleared.
I am trying to install DotNetNuke_4.3.4_Install, and changed the release.config to web.config as per instructions in DotNetNuke_4.3.1_doc
And I just found something weird. When I save the WEB.CONFIG File (regardless if I make any changes in the content or not), it returns the first error page that I called it improved error page (Because it has also DOTNETNUKE Logo, Name and the URL ,at the top of the page). When I do the same process (WEB.CONFIG save without any changes), it returnes the same page but with "Install/Install.aspx?mode=none" added to the url "http://localhost/dotnetnuke/". Now if I clear this part "Install/Install.aspx?mode=none" and leave only http://localhost/dotnetnuke in the url window of my IE, it returns back the second error page DotNetNuke Upgrade Error page (although I am not upgrading)! It toggles to the other Error Page if I do the same web.config save process again.
I tried to mention everything to see if any idea of which part I am doing wrong.
Thanks, Mark