leupold wrote
you cannot compile the web site, only the library.
Hi and thanks for the reply.
I tried just compiling the librarby and that does seem to work. However, on page 43 of DotNetNuke 4.0 Module Development (Part 1).pdf, the following appears:
After the content for each file has been inserted, you will then build the site. From the menu bar, select Build then Build Web Site
My goal: Download the complete DNN source and have full controll to change whatever in the core framework and be able to add my own modules. I downloaded the Source Package DotNetNuke_04.05.05_Source.zip for this purpose.
1. Was this the right choice?
If yes, what am I doing wrong? Steps: 1) download, unzip and copy into inetpub under folder mysite.de
2. set up virtual directory (I created the app in IIS, points to mysite.de\website and there is only one web.config file).
3. I opened the project in VS2005 (File -> Open -> Website...is this the right way? Or over local IIS? It's all on my dev machine right now)
4. From file system I picked out the directory mysite.de or alternatively mysite.de\website; I have tried both
5. Compile
When I open from the mysite.de directory I get errors regarding account allowDefinition in the web.config file (only in VS2005, the portal runs fine ) and when I start from the mysite.de\website directory I get the compile errors in the InstallWizard.aspx.vb file that I originally posted.
If compiling the Library is the solution, ok. Maybe the problem is solved. Does anything else here sound wrong?
Thanks in advance.