ok, i did some more investigation with query profiler, once logging on the post back, the last four queries executed are as follows:
1) exec dbo.aspnet_Membership_GetUserByName @ApplicationName = N'DotNetNuke', @UserName = N'host', @UpdateLastActivity = 0, @CurrentTimeUtc = 'Jan 13 2008 9:03:12:923PM'
2) exec sp_reset_connection
3) exec dbo.GetRolesByUser @UserId = -1, @PortalId = -1
4) exec dbo.aspnet_Membership_GetUserByName @ApplicationName = N'DotNetNuke', @UserName = N'host', @UpdateLastActivity = 0, @CurrentTimeUtc = 'Jan 13 2008 9:03:12:923PM'
the result of 1 and 4 are data return, 2 is ignored in consideration, however query three looks to me like it has lost the UserID and is restoring to a default intialisation value, not sure if that gives further indication.