Here's a strange one that I've never encountered before: I've just done what appeared to be a successfull remote install of DNN 4.7 to a shared hosting account on LunarPages.Com. Although I did have to hit Install.aspx multiple times before the install began, all eventually progressed without any errors. When I clicked on the link to go to the newly installed portal, it's home page appeared without error. However . . . clicking on any of the link buttons on the home page - Register, Login, Search, etc. cause a full page postback but do not redirect to the appropriate page/control.
I then added the usual login tab/ctl values to the url and was able to navigate to the login page. Clicking Login after entering either a valid or invalid username/password again would again cause a postback and return to the same page but no acutal login or error message.
I then tried restarting the application both from the Plesk control panel and by forcing a web.config change. No change in the behavior.
Here's my guess as to what's happening: The site is being accessed via a temporary url as we don't want to repoint the dns servers to the new site at this time. In the past have done DNN installes on other shared hosting providers using temporary urls with no problem. In all these cases, both the temporary url and the actual site url both ended up being inserted into the PortalAlias table during the install. In this case, the temporary url did not get entered automatically into the PortalAlias table so I entered it manually. Restarting and revisiting the application again showed that the behavior did not change.
In this case, the temporary url is of the form:$sitepreview/
where is the url of the future site. Note the $ in $sitepreview. I suspect that the $ may be causing problems in the postback mechanism as $ is used as a delimeter in the uniqueID of a client control in ASP.Net and/or may be interferring with DNN's friendly url parsing - hence the reason for the install not inserting this url into the PortalAlias table.
Can anyone confirm that I may be on the correct track or have any suggestions of dealing with this problem - short of not using the temporary url?