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The modules:
Имя Тип Описание Версия In Use Обновить?
123flashchat Module A 123flashchat module 1.4.6 Yes
123flashchat_View Module 1.4.6 Yes
123livehelp Module A 123livehelp module 5.1.7 Yes
123webMessengerFacebookMessengerStyleChatBar Module A 123webMessengerFacebookMessengerStyleChatBar module 5.6.25 Yes
123webMessengerFriendList Module A _123webMessengerFriendList module 5.6.26 Yes
3DCarousel V2 Module Discover new possibilities for creating fantastic image galleries and product presentations with Version 2 of the 3D Carousel. 4.2.1 Yes
Active Forums Module Active Forums - Forum module for DotNetNuke 4.2.6 Yes
Active Forums What's New Module Display the most recent topics or replies from selected forums on any page within your site. 1.3.6 Yes
Active Social Module Social Networking and Collaboration module for DotNetNuke 1.7.3 Yes
ActiveForumViewer Module This module allows you to display additional instances of particular group or forum on your site. 4.20.6 Yes
AFImport Module Active Forums migration utility. 1.0.0 No
Authentication Module Allows you to manage authentication settings for sites using Windows Authentication. 1.0.0 Yes
Banners Module Banner advertising is managed through the Vendors module in the Admin tab. You can select the number of banners to display as well as the banner type. 1.0.0 Yes
CAT_AdvancedCategories Module This module contains the advanced categories administrator. / Dieses Modul enthaelt die erweiterte Warengruppenverwaltung. 6.0.2 Yes
CAT_BusinessProfile Module This module contains the Business Profile. / Dieses Modul enthaelt das Firmenprofil. 6.0.2 No
CAT_Cart Module This module shows customers their Order details and provides the CheckOut. / Dieses Modul zeigt den Warenkorb des gerade angemeldeten Kunden und wickelt die Bestellung ab. 6.0.2 Yes
CAT_Categories Module This module contains the categories administrator. / Dieses Modul enthaelt die Warengruppenverwaltung. 6.0.2 Yes
CAT_Communicator Module Communication between portal users e.g. buyers and sellers 6.0.2 Yes
CAT_CustomerAccount Module This module shows customers their orders. Dieses Modul zeigt Kunden Ihre Bestellungen. 6.0.2 Yes
CAT_Customers Module This module contains the customer and order Administrator. With help of edit page you can design a ship label. / Dieses Modul enthaelt die Kundenverwaltung und dient der Bestellungsbearbeitung. Die Edit-Seite enthaelt den Versandetiketten-Designer. 6.0.2 No
CAT_DashBoard Module This module offers a wide variety for product presentation. / Dieses Modul bietet vielfaeltige Moeglichkeiten zur Produktpresentation. 6.0.2 Yes
CAT_EmailAdvertisement Module This module renders a list of featured or new released products. / Dieses Modul erstellt eine HTML-Email mit Promo-Artikeln oder neuen Artikeln und versendet diese. 6.0.2 No
CAT_EmailBlockList Module This module contains the administration of the Robinson list. / Dieses Modul enthaelt die Email-Ausschlusslistenverwaltung. 6.0.2 No
CAT_FeedBacks Module Add, change, review and list seller and buyer feedbacks (ratings and comments) 6.0.2 No
CAT_ItemPaneNF Module This module shows the item catalog. / Dieses Modul listet die Artikel auf. 6.0.2 Yes
CAT_LangSwitcher Module This module shows the LanguageSwitcher. / Dieses Modul zeigt einen Sprachenselektor 6.0.2 Yes
CAT_LoyaltyPoints Module This module contains the Loyalty Points administration. / Dieses Modul enthaelt die Treuepunkte Verwaltung. 6.0.2 Yes
CAT_MenuNF Module This module displays the categories. / Dieses Modul listet die Warengruppen auf. 6.0.2 Yes
CAT_MiniCart Module This module shows an Mini Cart, which lists all ordered products and shows total price. You should place this module on pages, which countains the module CAT_DashBoard. / Dieses Modul enthaelt den Mini-Warenkorb. Platzieren Sie dieses Modul auf Seiten, die das Modul CAT_DashBoard enthalten. 6.0.2 Yes
CAT_Orders Module This module contains the order administration. / Dieses Modul enthaelt die Bestellungsuebersicht und dient der Bestellungsbearbeitung. Die Edit-Seite enthaelt den Versandetiketten-Designer. 6.0.2 Yes
CAT_PriceRules Module This module contains the price rule administration. / Dieses Modul enthaelt die Preis Regel Verwaltung. 6.0.2 Yes
CAT_PriceSearch Module Search for items within a price range. 5.3.7 No
CAT_Products Module This module contains the product administration. / Dieses Modul enthaelt die Artikelverwaltung. 6.0.2 Yes
CAT_Referrals Module This module contains the referral reward commission list. / Dieses Modul enthaelt die Empfehlungsrueckerstattungspraemienliste. 6.0.2 No
CAT_Related Products Module This module contains the related products administrator. / Dieses Modul enthaelt die Verwaltung verwandter Artikel. 6.0.2 Yes
CAT_Reviews Module This module contains the review administrator. / Dieses Modul enthaelt die Produkt-Bewertungsverwaltung. 6.0.2 Yes
CAT_SearchNF Module This module provides a search in product database. / Dieses Modul durchsucht die Artikeldatenbank 6.0.2 Yes
CAT_ShippingRates Module This module contains the shipping rate list for the advanced custom shipping rating system. / Dieses Modul enthaelt die Versandtarifliste. 6.0.2 Yes
CAT_StoreSettings Module With the help of this module you can setup the store and design your forms. / Dieses Modul enthaelt die Einstellmoeglichkeiten und die Formulardesigner. 6.0.2 Yes
CAT_Subscriptions Module This module contains subscriptions overview. / Dieses Modul enthaelt die Abonnementuebersicht. 6.0.2 No
CAT_VendorAccount Module This module contains the Vendor sales commission list and the list of credit notes for rewards. / Dieses Modul enthaelt die Verkaeufer Provisionsliste und die Liste der Gutschriften fuer Provisionsauszahlungen. 6.0.2 Yes
CAT_WishList Module This module shows customers their Wish List. / Dieses Modul zeigt den Wunschzettel des angemeldeten Kunden. 6.0.2 No
CAT_Zones Module This module allows you to define shipping/tax zones. / Mit diesem Modul koennen Sie Versand- und Mehrwertsteuerzonen definieren. 6.0.2 No
CATALooKStore Module This module contains a store main window with frames. / Dieses Modul enthaelt ein Shop-Hauptfenster welches in Frames aufgeteilt ist. 6.0.2 No
Child Links Module Allows you to display child links for a given tab. 1.4.0 Yes
Console Module Display children pages as icon links for navigation. 1.0.0 Yes
ContentList Module This module displays a list of content by tag. 1.0.0 No
Dashboard Module Provides a snapshot of your DotNetNuke Application. 1.0.0 Yes
DigContest Module Allows you to create contests that allow users to submit and vote for winning entries. For updates please visit www.dignuke.com. 2.0.9 Yes
DigContest Dashboard Module Allows you to create dashboards for their contests to show things like upcoming contests, or latest winners. For updates please visit www.dignuke.com 2.0.9 No
DnnForge - Where Are They Module Shows the location of all users on the current portal. 1.4.1 Yes
DNNSuperSurvey Module This module allows you to add a full featured survey management system to your portal. 4.1.4 Yes
Documents Module This module renders a list of documents, including links to browse or download the document. Documents includes an edit page, which allows authorized users to edit the information about the Documents (for example, a friendly title) stored in the SQL database. 4.1.0 Yes
DONEIN_NET\Site_Map Module This DotNetNuke module renders a simple treeview site map of the current portal (or a section of the current portal). 5.0.0 Yes
Dynamic Tags Module Dynamic Tags 1.0.0 Yes
EasyMod Module EasyMod By DrNuke - Using EasyMod you can configure the look of EasyMod compatible skins. 1.0.4 Yes
Extensions Module Allows a Super User to manage the various extensions, such as Skins, Modules Language Packs, providers etc. 1.0.0 Yes
FAQs Module FAQs allow you to manage a list of Frequently Asked Questions and their corresponding Answers. 4.4.0 Yes
Feedback Module Feedback allows visitors to send messages to the Administrator of the portal. 4.4.3 Yes
Feedback Center Module Allows you to receive feedback on any number of products. 1.7.1 Yes
File Manager Module Administrators can manage the files stored in their upload directory. This module allows you to upload new files, download files, delete files, and synchronize your upload directory. It also provides information on the amount of disk space used and available. 1.0.0 Yes
Flatburger Licensing v163 Module This is required to manage the licenses for all modules licensed by FlatBurger, Inc. Removing this will cause modules licensed from FlatBurger, Inc. to stop functioning. 1.6.3 No
Google Analytics Module Configure portal Google Analytics settings. 1.0.0 Yes
Host Settings Module The Super User can manage the configuration settings which apply to the entire site. 1.0.0 Yes
HTML Module This module renders a block of HTML or Text content. The Html/Text module allows authorized users to edit the content either inline or in a separate administration page. Optional tokens can be used that get replaced dynamically during display. All versions of content are stored in the database including the ability to rollback to an older version. 5.4.3 Yes
Inventua - FlashPlayer Module Inventua FlashPlayer 3.1.3 Yes
Languages Module 1.0.0 Yes
Lists Module Allows you to edit common lists. 1.0.0 Yes
Live Tabs Module Live Tabs is ultimate tabbed interface solution for DotNetNuke. You can show text/html, modules or combination of them within a tab. Support for Multilingual Content, Google Analytics Integration, Search Engine Optimized (SEO), Theming, Effects, Permanent and Client Tab Links, Nested Tabs, DNN Search Integration, and much more... 3.3.0 Yes
Log Viewer Module Allows you to view log entries for portal events. 1.0.0 Yes
Marketplace Module Search for DotNetNuke modules, extension and skins. 1.0.0 Yes
Messaging Module The Messaging module allows users to send and receive private messages. 1.1.0 No
MLHTML Module This module is an adaptation of the standard text/html module. For each available language/locale in your portal a seperate text can be entered. Depending on the specific page locale (as set by portal, and by registered user), the appropriate language is shown. 1.3.3 Yes
ModuleLocalization Module ModuleLocalization 2.0.4 No
News Articles Module Allows you to publish News Articles to your portal. 0.7.58 Yes
News Articles Archives Module Allows you to display a list of articles by month. 0.7.58 No
News Articles Latest Module Allows you to display a list of the latest articles. 0.7.58 Yes
News Articles Search Module Allows you to search articles. 0.7.58 No
News Feeds (RSS) Module News Feed allows you to aggregate a collection of syndicated news feeds in Rich Site Summary (RSS) format and render the results in a single sorted list. 4.0.1 Yes
Newsletters Module Administrators can send bulk email to all users belonging to a particular Role. 1.0.0 Yes
One23FlashChat Module A 123FlashChat module 1.0.0 No
Onyak LinkNex Module Build a link exchange with other sites to increase your search engine ranking. Visit www.OnyakTech.com for new updates to this module as well as other new modules. 4.0.0 Yes
OnyakTech.Ads Module An advertisement module that shows the ads as a PopUp window but it doesn't use an actual browser window, so it won't get shut down from pop-up blockers. 2.50.0 No
Page Protection Module Page Protection allows you to disable right click feature of the mouse as well as the ability to highlight any text on the page. The module can be configured to disable right click on images only or the entire page. Similarly, it can be configured to disable text selection on entire page or within a certain area. 1.1.0 Yes
PortalAliases Module Allows you to view portal aliases. 1.0.0 Yes
Portals Module The Super User can manage the various parent and child Portals within the site. This module allows you to add a new portal, modify an existing portal, and delete a portal. 1.0.0 Yes
Quotes Module Shows a Random Quote. 1.1.1 Yes
Recycle Bin Module The Recycle Bin provides an interface for restoring or permanently deleting Tabs and Modules. 1.0.0 Yes
Scheduler Module Allows you to schedule tasks to be run at specified intervals. 1.0.0 Yes
Seamless OptIn Module 1.1.0 Yes
Search Admin Module The Search Admininstrator provides the ability to manage search settings. 1.0.0 Yes
Search Input Module The Search Input module allows searches to be submitted by users, and requires the Search Results module in order to display the results. 1.0.0 No
Search Results Module The Search Results module displays search results. 1.0.0 Yes
Site Log Module Administrators can view the details of visitors using their portal. There are a variety of reports available to display information regarding site usage, membership, and volumes. 1.0.0 Yes
Site Wizard Module The Administrator can use this user-friendly wizard to set up the common features of the Portal/Site. 1.0.0 Yes
Sitemap Module 1.0.0 Yes
Skin Designer Module Allows you to modify skin attributes. 1.0.0 Yes
Skins Module 1.0.0 Yes
Social Bookmarks Module Social Bookmarks v4.03.00 by Sea Star Software. For help please visit: www.seastarsoftware.com 4.3.0 Yes
Solutions Module Browse additional solutions for your application. 1.0.0 Yes
SQL Module The Super User can execute SQL statements against the database. 1.0.0 Yes
Survey Module Survey allows you to create custom surveys to obtain public feedback 4.60.0 No
Tabs Module Administrators can manage the Tabs within the portal. This module allows you to create a new tab, modify an existing tab, delete tabs, change the tab order, and change the hierarchical tab level. 1.0.0 Yes
Taxonomy Manager Module Administrators can manage the Taxonomy for their portal. 1.1.0 Yes
TopcmmPostNotifierforActiveForums Module for 123flashchat 7.6 1.0.12 Yes
Ultra Media Gallery Module Ultra Media Gallery is the most popular gallery module for DotNetNuke, You can use it to build professional photo galleries or media galleries with 10+ flash and html players. 6.5.4 Yes
UMG-FreeContentList Module This module can be used to show a list of latest/highest rated/random photos/comments/albums from an existing gallery. 6.0.0 Yes
UMG-Map Module This module displays where a photo is taken on google maps, it may only be used when your photos support Geotag. 6.0.0 No
UMG-OrderPrints Module Order photos prints in UMG 1.1.0 No
UMG-PhotoCalendar Module This module generates a day or month calendar view for your photos. 6.0.0 No
UMG-PurchasedItems Module This module allows your visitors to download purchased items. 6.0.0 No
UMG-Rate Module This module must be used together with the flash presentation of the main module, it shows the basic information of the current photo and allows you to rate it. 6.0.0 Yes
UMG-Response Module This module must be used together with the flash presentation of the main module, it shows the responses of the current photo and allows you to post new. 6.0.0 Yes
UMG-Search Module The search module. 6.0.0 Yes
UMG-ShoppingCart Module This module allows your visitors to add some priced stuff to the shopping cart and checkout, it must be used together with the main module. 6.0.0 No
UMG-TagList Module This module shows tag cloud in an existing gallery. 6.0.0 Yes
Users and Roles Module Administrators can manage the security roles defined for their portal. The module allows you to add new security roles, modify existing security roles, delete security roles, and manage the users assigned to security roles. 1.0.0 Yes
UsersOnline Module Users Online allows you to see who is online in your portal, and see membership counts 5.1.0 Yes
UVG_ActiveUsers Module Renders a list of most active users in past few days 3.0.0 No
UVG_AddVideo Module Add new videos to Ultra Video Gallery 3.2.1 Yes
UVG_CategoryList Module Manage video categories 3.0.0 Yes
UVG_Commercial Module This module allows you to manage all 4 kinds of commercials 3.0.0 No
UVG_CompactPlayer Module This module allows you to play a fixed or dynamic video in a compact player interface 3.0.0 No
UVG_Configurations Module Global configurations 3.0.0 Yes
UVG_FreeSeriesList Module Display an incomplete series list with various sort options 3.0.0 No
UVG_FreeVideoList Module An incomplete video list, you can use it to create latest videos module, most popular videos module. and more. you also can integrate it with profile modules 3.0.0 Yes
UVG_LatestVideos Module Renders a list of latest videos 2.0.0 No
UVG_MySeries Module Manage video serieses created by current user 3.0.0 Yes
UVG_MyVideos Module Manage videos created by current user 3.0.0 Yes
UVG_PendingVideos Module This module allows video managers to approve or reject pending videos. 3.0.0 Yes
UVG_PopularVideos Module Renders a list of popular videos 2.0.0 No
UVG_SearchInput Module Submit a search to a given search results module, the search is displayed in a UVG_VideoList module. 3.0.0 Yes
UVG_TagList Module Renders a list of video tags. 3.0.0 Yes
UVG_UserVideos Module Renders a list of videos added by specific user 2.0.0 No
UVG_VideoList Module List videos based on specific criteria 3.0.0 Yes
UVG_VideoPlayer Module Video player and related modules 3.0.0 Yes
UVG_VideoSpotLight Module Renders a list of videos posted in specific time periods randomly. 2.0.0 No
UVG_WatchHistory Module Renders a list of latest watched videos. 3.0.0 No
Vendors Module Administrators can manage the Vendors and Banners associated to the portal. This module allows you to add a new vendor, modify an existing vendor, and delete a vendor. 1.0.0 Yes
ViewProfile Module 1.0.0 No
Whats New? Module This odule allows users to view a list of the most recently added or updated content. Administrators can control the maximum (and minimum) number of items to display as well as the date range to search. 3.3.0 No
the error in IE8
Сведения об ошибке на веб-странице
Агент пользователя: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.1; Trident/4.0; WebMoney Advisor; SLCC2; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0.30729; Media Center PC 6.0; .NET CLR 3.0.04506; Media Center PC 5.0; SLCC1; InfoPath.2)
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