It is very unlikely (especially if the old site was running on a shared hosting provider) that the old site was using the Database.mdf file contained in its App_Data folder. Look at the primary connection string (found in the <connectionStrings> section) of the old site's web.config file to obtain the old database server, database name, database user, and database password. It will then be necessary to obtain a SQL Server backup of the old database and then restore it to the new database server. Hopefully your old hosting provider allows you to create a full database backup on your own or will create one for you that you can then download. Also, make sure that your new hosting provider will allow a database backup not created on their SQL servers to be restored. GoDaddy, for example, does not permit restoration of a database backup from a different server. Instead, they force you to use the Database Publishing Wizard (aka database Scripting and Publishing in SQL Server Management Studio).
Also, your transfer of the old site's web.config file is of concern. In short, you mention that the web.config in the new site's wwwroot is the one that was created for the new installation not that from the old installation. There are a few problems with that approach:
1. The all important <machineKey> section of the new web.config file will be different from that of the old. It is the values for the validationKey and decryptionKey attributes in that section that control encryption/decryption of user passwords. Without those values transferred from the old to new web.config file, no users will be able to successfully log into the site.
2. It is possible that the value for the objectQualifier (and possibly the databaseOwner) attributes found in the <data><providers><add name="SqlDataProvider" . . . /> node of web.config may be different than those of the old site web.config causing issues with database object references and ownership.
3. Unless the version of the new installation of DotNetNuke was the same as that on the old server, and both old and new servers used the same IIS version, and have the site running in the same version of ASP.Net, there will be other differences between web.config.
Therefore, you must tranfer the old site's web.config to the new installation along with all of the other system files and make modifications only to its two connection strings to allow connection to the (restored) database on the new server.
Mitchel Sellers did a blog post a few years ago regarding moving a site from development to production server:
Although it is a bit dated (MS SQL Server 2000 and ASP.Net 2.0 are no longer supported for DNN versions 5.02.00 and later - use MS SQL Server 2005 or 2008 and ASP.Net 3.5 SP 1), it's basic steps are still valid.