Bill Campbell wrote:
The errors are coming from a failure to find the named stored procedures in the database or insufficient database permissions to effect the changes. This could be caused by database owner name being different from the expected dbo. , it could be that you use an object qualifier in your database and this has not been taken into account in the scripts.
It may help to either upgrade the repository first OR just do a repair install of your current version to see if that recreates the < possibly missing > stored procedures.
Still working on this and had several more failed attempts - i think it could be a database permission problem, but still investigating.
1. Telerik is no longer a problem. This seems k now, after copying the .dll files to my bin.
2. I've re-installed the repository (v 3.1 - as thats the latest i can have at the moment)
I've also uninstalled it and tried deleting the repository folder from the server.
- but I still got the same permissions issue.
We recently moved the location of some db mssql files and then had to recreate new logins in order to get the site working again.
But the site was fully working so didn't see that this could be a problem (our connection string has been updated accordingly to reflect the new user name and password).
Will try again next week.