Hi All,
I wonder can anyone help me with the below issue...Am new to DNN so please bear with me if the answer to my issue is an obvious one.
I have installed the latest version of DNN 7.03.03...and the install seemed to go thru successfully...ie there were no errors
However when I type into my Internet Explorer (version 8) address http://websitename...the default website appears correctly..its a
new install so am using the default template.
However when I click on the login link..I get the following error message."HTTP Error 404.0 - Not Found. The resource you are looking
for has been removed,had its name changed,or is temporarily unavailable
I can see in the physical path C:\Inetpub\Websitename\Login....that in the websitename folder there is no folder or file called
Login...I wonder is this part of my problem
However if I type manually into the internet address bar http://websitename/login.aspx...the login page appears
And I can log into the site
However as soon as I log in screen appears..."Welcome to your website" and "Sign up for our Newsletter"..
This flashes alternately between this and the website itself, but you cannot actually do anything as the the screens keep alternating
Has anyone had this issue before.
Thanks a million for any information