I get the feeling I'm trying to re-invent a wheel...
Goal: Create an XML file (template-like) to create a similar tab structure routinely. In addition to the content I'd like to automatically add modules, specify the containers, and add the content to all the tabs that are created. Specifically, we have magazine content with similar sections every issue. Some pages are disabled parent tabs, some have multiple modules, and some multiple modules with different containers.
Is there a way to untilize the template to automatically add tabs and content into an existing portal?
I'm currently in the Stone Age. Using the AddTab stored proc to produce the page (many shortcomings), then AddTabPermissions, then AddModule, etc.
Here's an example of the tab structure
Parent Tab
- Level1-SubTab1
- Level2-SubTab1(Disabled)
- Level3-SubTab1 (One HTML Module - Containter 1)
- Level3-SubTab2 (Two HTML Modlues - Two different containers)
- Level2-SubTab2 (One HTML Module)
- Level2-SubTab3 (Disabled)
- Level3-SubTab1
- Level3-SubTab2
So what I'd like to do is create an XML file that could create the struction, specify the modules, and add the content. Is there something that's already built for this?
Thanks, Paul