Thanks so much, I was able to solve thi sproblem by using in the SendMail instead of PortalSettings.Email, I used PortalSettings.HostSettings["HostEmail"].ToString(), don't know why that worked in fact, and still in question of that.
I do have also a problem, when the email is sent "Forgot Password", the password field is always sent as empty, no password field.
I have been having lots of problems those two days,with a custom module registration. I created a new one, followed the process in the default registration form that comes with DNN. It works perfect on my machine, when it goes up, it is not working, it adds records to users, aspnet_membership, aspnet_users, and no record to any table with roles.
The main point I am able to catch, is that, when I create the CORE record as
objNewUser.UserId = objUser.Add(objNewUser);
This is returning a "-1" on the server, but locally working fine. I solved this online by using a utility method to get the ID of the added user, and then it is failing at UserLogin method, that is offcourse if the registration is public.
Any ideas please?