Hi All,
A number of my DNN sites (V4.9 but happend of 4.8) are experiencing very strange behavior with the Solpart menu both vertically and horizontally.
The menus work fine 95% of the time and every now and then they seem to lose all formatting. This can be rectified by refreshing the cache but has anyone else had this problem
Here are two html code snippets, taken via the browser when viewing the page, of the exact same menu. The first is the beginning of the menu html when the menu appears okay, the second is when the menu is messed up
Good Menu
<span id="dnn_dnnMENU_ctldnnMENU" name="dnn$dnnMENU$ctldnnMENU" BackColor="#333333" IconBackgroundColor="#333333" HlColor="#FF8080" ShColor="#404040" SelForeColor="White" SelColor="#CCCCCC" FontStyle="font-family: Tahoma,Arial,Helvetica; font-size: 9pt; font-weight: bold; font-style: normal; text-decoration: " SysImgPath="/images/" Display="vertical" MenuAlignment="center" MenuBarHeight="16" MenuItemHeight="21" IconWidth="15" MOutDelay="500" MenuTransition="None" BorderWidth="0" IconImgPath="/Portals/0/" ArrowImage="spacer.gif"......
Bad Menu
<span><TABLE CLASS="dnn_dnnmenu_ctldnnmenu_spmbar dnn_dnnmenu_ctldnnmenu_spmitm MenuItem MainMenu_MenuBar"><TR><TD><a style="text-decoration: none;" href="http://www.hfgb.ca/AboutUs/tabid/55/Default.aspx" title=""><font class="dnn_dnnmenu_ctldnnmenu_spmitm MenuItem MainMenu_MenuBar">About Us</font></a><br><a style="text-decoration: none;" href="http://www.hfgb.ca/QuickQuote/tabid/56/Default.aspx" title=""><font class="dnn_dnnmenu_ctldnnmenu_spmitm MenuItem MainMenu_MenuBar">Quick Quote</font></a><br><a style="text-decoration: none;" href="http://www.hfgb.ca/WhatsCovered/tabid/57/Default.aspx" title=""><font class=".......
Notice that the bad menu has no parameters at all.
As mention a Ctrl F5 (IE) refreshes the page and the menu is now okay.
Any help is really appreciated.